Busy days at Brillantmont
A Brillantmont day is a busy day!

The typical schedule during the week is as follows:

8h00: Time to wake up!
8h30: Breakfast
9h00-10h30: Language class 1
10h45-12h15: Language class 2
12h30: Lunch
14h00 - 17h30: Afternoon programme (different options available)
On Wednesday afternoons there is a whole class excursion followed by a barbecue.
18h45: Dinner
19h45: Activities on or off campus
21h00-22h00: Boarding houses

At weekends the schedule is different because the students go on excursions and may be out of school for the complete day, having fun!

Living alongside other students from many different countries is a great way to make new friends and learn about other cultures.
At home in the Brillantmont summer family
All Summer Course students live on campus. There are several boarding houses in which boys and girls live separately, organised by age. A teacher lives on every floor of each boarding house. The teachers help students settle in and help them make the most of their time. They always have the student’s happiness, safety and well-being at heart.

Rooms are twin or triple and we encourage students to share a room with someone from another nationality. In that way, they get to know a different culture and find a common language. We are a community which promotes mutual respect and which values everyone as an individual.

Rooms are very large and spacious. Many have views over the Lake and the Alps and all are comfortable and modern. Some rooms have private en-suite bathrooms, whilst others share. All meals are taken together in the dining room, with a choice of menus available. Special dietary needs can be accommodated.
With around 100 students every week in July and around 60 per week in August, students soon get to make friends and feel part of the Brillantmont summer family.