Busy days at Brillantmont
A Brillantmont day is a busy day!

The typical schedule during the week is as follows:

8h00: Time to wake up!
8h30: Breakfast
9h00-10h30: Language class 1
10h45-12h15: Language class 2
12h30: Lunch
14h00 - 17h30: Afternoon programme (different options available)

On Wednesday afternoons, students go with their language class to visit a local place of interest (museum, chocolae factor, science workshops and more). Afterwards, they enjoy a barbecue and games by the lake or in case of bad weather, return to campus.

18h45: Dinner
19h45: Activities on or off campus
21h00-22h00: Boarding houses
Weekends schedule

At weekends the schedule is different because the students go on excursions and may be out of school for the complete day, having fun!

Saturday - arrival /departure day. For those not leaving an excursion is organised. It may be a trip to Geneva or Berne or in the Lausanne area.

Sunday - a whole school excursion takes place. The programme may be changed in case of bad weather but may include watersports, hiking, tree circuits, quiz treks, waterpark, visit to a local landmark, typical of Switzerland.

Living alongside other students from many different countries is a great way to make new friends and learn about other cultures.
With around 100 students every week in July and around 60 per week in August, students soon get to make friends and feel part of the Brillantmont summer family.